
Planned Updates:

  • Adding Left Handed control support [WIP]



Arrow keys - Move

Z - Activate Ability

X, C - Swap Abilities

Spacebar, Up Arrow - Jump

Escape - Menu


  • Programming, Original Concept, Level Design and some of the sprites by XChronosGaming
  • The majority of the sprites, and their animations, as well as the title and end screen by JohannFowl.
  • Font used in the game by Szymon Furjan
  • Thanks to all the people who have played the game, including Maotica, wjragget, zedhissi, LGWV, Stuck Scarf, and others who found the cauldron bug and allowed me to put up the notice for future player. I appreciate you all.


Out in the mistwilds, among the swamps and stones, lies a towering monument to the arcane science of alchemy: Alchecity, the City of Great Minds. Standing taller than a mountain, the city is broken up into multiple layers, like the rings of a Tower of Hanoi. The higher you go, the more lavish and fantastical the landscape becomes. And at the very top, the brightest alchemy minds in the world make groundbreaking experiments daily. They say that in the upper levels of Alchecity, you want for nothing, and can create anything. But this shining beacon only serves to mask the horrible truth: Alchecity is run by a totalitarian regime, made up of the most affluent individuals in the city. From the Potion Czar Grux to the Metal Monarch Rikar, those with power decide everything. Those who wish to study alchemy must due so only in the ways allowed by the regime. Any form of illegal research is sought out and destroyed, burned in the streets by the book load on the lower layers. And even if you do not choose to fight against the regime, many in the depths of the city suffer daily due to run off from experiments performed in the upper crusts. Sadly, many have simply accepted that this is the way life has to be, beaten down and unable to resist. This all changes one day in the top of Alchecity, when one of the greatest minds in Alchecity, Polwan the Prodigious, sets out to perform a feat unlike any the world had ever seen. In Alchemy, there is a concept called Prima Materia, or the First Matter. It is said to be the primitive formless base of all matter, containing all colors and metals, a wondrous substance fit only for the gods.

Polwan theorized that, if there exists matter that contains all things, there must also be matter that contains no things. An empty matter. An Inanis Materia. And so, despite knowing it was heresy to research, the great Polwan began experimenting. Until eventually... he was successful! He had created the Inanis Materia, a being born of something that has become nothing. His celebration was short lived, as the members of the regime had caught wind of what Polwan was doing, and stormed his tower. Thinking only of his creation, Polwan made a desperate gamble. He knew the Inanis Materia was far too important, and would only end up destroyed if it remained in his care. So, he cast it out of his tower, hurling it towards the lowest levels of the city, never to be seen again. Hoping that, somehow, it would survive. Even if he could not.


Link to Game Design Document


GDD (I know it says download, but this is a link)


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Very cool idea, I like the visuals, wish there was sound. I really liked the 4 powers and combining them, can't wait for more! The jumping is a bit sticky, the landing animation made the platforming tough. Great level design, good work!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for the great feedback! Yeah, I have heard a lot of feedback on the plafltforming. The next version will have the stickiness removed from the ending animation (you can now keep momentum during it), and I'm adding Jump Buffers and Coyote Time as well!

I'm glad you liked the spritework. That was all done by JohannFowl, who is linked in the description. We are planning on adding sound and music in the next update.

Please look forward to the future updates to the game following the jam


A cute and clever little puzzle platformer. I could see this having potential as a metroidvania!

The mechanics functioned well and made for some interesting puzzles, albeit a bit straightforward. I'd love to see a full version create some more complex scenarios. I agree with other commenters that maybe having a wheel to swap between abilities and binding it to a single key might work better.

I did find a bug where placing a cauldron directly under another air source will cause the upper one to not function. I had to move the cauldron aside a bit.

Overal a fun and well presented experience!


Thank you for the excellent feedback! First off, thank you for letting me know about that bug! I'll make sure to fix it in the next patch. Second, I agree that more complex scenarios would be better. That's something I plan on working on in the full release.

I completed the game, and now the blob of non-matter is sleeping soundly... didn't it forget about Polwan, though?

I won't dwell over jump delay and lack of audio, as I'm sure you already heard about it plenty of times. One thing I wonder about is whether elemental input could be simplified somewhat. One idea would be using the same key to apply elements, just picking whichever is applicable at themoment. But of course it would cause trouble with overlapping element-dependent items.

One idea that comes to mind is using approach like in Fury of the Furries, where - if you stood still on the ground - you could enter ability switching mode and then exit with whatever ability you need at the moment. Then you could make the player use the ability freely (rather than at the designated spots) and have them figure out what works where. Of course, it'd likely require redesigning gameplay elements, though it may be for the better; the current objects were mostly "railroady" in their use, even the multi-element ones like cauldrons.

I think the game does a good job presenting its setting; the story in description is one thing, but also I saw all these posters/graffitis and such. I think focusing on the setting and storytelling as well as making creative bosses themed after specific kinds of alchemy could work really well for this game.

Overall, I enjoyed the demo, though I feel the gameplay elements and/or level design could be reworked to allow a greater variety of interactions (rather than boiling down to "I see wind, I use air, I see pipe, I use water, I see wood, I use fire").

Thanks for the feedback! Don't worry, Inanis is just asleep until the game releases, then he will continue on his quest!

One idea would be using the same key to apply elements, just picking whichever is applicable at themoment. But of course it would cause trouble with overlapping element-dependent items.

This isn't a bad idea at all. Maybe something like this:


Where you have a UI scroll of all the different elements you have access to, and you can scroll through them with either J or L, then press K to use them, perhaps? That way, you could test out powers a bit more without feeling railroaded. I don't mind having to redesign elements like that, especially since I plan to add more elements in the future, such as Iron and Tin, with powers of their own.


I love your game! Let me be a little blob of nothingness that can bend in any shape and shoot fire. Definitely will keep an eye on it if you decide to keep developing it after the jam.


What a cute and fantastic foundation to a metroidvania style game.

I'll preface this by saying I wish there was some sound and music, being in complete silence feels really meh.

However the game was a lot of fun to play, I loved the pacing and tutorial and the interesting way you had the elements interact with the world was a lot of fun.

The little slime was really cool looking and I liked all the animations. I had a really fun time with this :)

(1 edit)

Thank you so much! Yeah, I get the sound and music complaint. We didn't have anyone in our group who could do music, and I had a hard time finding good CC0 music and effects that fit the game. Part of that might just be my own problems of being too picky.  But I am glad you enjoyed the gameplay! 

Very fun, i love the concept and abilities,

The only two things are

the interaction between the two elements can be worked on more to reduce bugs, i found that sometimes i would use a ability while pushing a box and it would de-spawn the box.

Another comment i have is maybe making the movement and jumping be more fluent, since this is a platformer i find the delay in jumps could cause a little frustration, and a fluent jumping mechanic would really make this a great game

top tier great job <3


Thank you for the awesome feedback! I definitely hear you on the jump mechanics. In future builds, I will for sure make the jumps more fluid.

Cute platformer with puzzle component, visual cue for the next step was well displayed and really usefull.

Using the ignition power on a cauldron filled with water to use your aerial ability seems pretty intriguing and ingenious.

Going forward you can think about give the player the ability to pass through platform surface to land on them.

Little note : there is a little misplacement of one of the arrow sign but really easy fix if not already done. GG

I loved the concept and the art! I think this is a wonderful take on the jam's theme and the abilities are really cool.

However, I got stuck in the fire level. I tried it a couple of times, with the same result in the same spot (image attached). After resetting the level a third time, I got stuck at the beginning as well, unable to move in any direction, but I could jump.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I have heard about this bug, and am working to fix it. Can you tell me what browser you were using when you played? Trying to get all the info I can to solve the issue.

I used Firefox to play it. Good luck!


I figured out the bug! It turns out that when you use the fire and water powers, if you jump or push in the middle of using them, it locks your movement. I have made a note on the page warning people. 

Love the mechanics but got stuck after pushing one of the couldrons

Filing the cauldron and lighting the fire and riding the air... amazing. Really well done! this is an incredibly fun and cool concenpt! Also... is alchemist nick a reference to nicholas flammel?


Loved the game! really enjoyed the cauldron mechanics :D


Thanks so much! I was very proud of the cauldron! I hope to keep working on this and expand the game further in the future.